2328 Payments for, or Reimbursements of, Costs Associated with Telephones other than Cellular Telephone

Document purpose

To govern University payments for the purchase, lease, or use of telephones, other than cellular telephones, located on non-University premises. For the purpose of this policy, the term "University” also includes the Health System.


November 2006


May 2023

Responsible Office





  1. The University will not pay directly or reimburse individuals for costs associated with the purchase, lease or installation of any type of telephone equipment, optional features or telephone lines located outside of University owned or leased premises.  

  2. The University will reimburse individuals for telephone toll calls that are incurred in the conduct of official University business. Individuals who authorize such reimbursements are responsible for ensuring that the payment or reimbursement is related to official University business.  

  3. Any reimbursement request must be submitted on a properly completed and approved disbursement form that is supported by the itemized original telephone bill, with the detail of the toll calls to be reimbursed appropriately identified.  

  4. Exceptions to this policy may be granted only by the appropriate Dean, Director or Vice President upon the submission of a justification from the individual that has been approved by the appropriate Department chair or manager.