Certificates, Claims Histories, Waivers and Event Insurance

Visit the Office of Risk Management & Insurance

Certificate of Insurance

A certificate of insurance demonstrates evidence of an insurance policy. This document provides no coverage to the certificate holder and rarely guarantees that the certificate holder will be notified if there is a policy cancellation. Our insurance brokers upon request issue them by the Office of Risk Management and Insurance.

Professional Liability Information Requests


University Student Claims History Request

To request a professional liability claims history for a former Medical, Nursing, Dental or Veterinary student, please submit to our general email inbox: dofriskmgmt@pobox.upenn.edu.  A copy of the information consent and release form executed by the former student must be attached to the request for consideration.

Requests will be processed within 5 business days.  Requests for former medical residents, fellows, or acting medical providers at Penn Medicine should be directed to the Office of General Counsel, information for which is found below.

Penn Medicine Medical Provider Information Requests:

Requesting Coverage Documents

To request certificates of insurance (aka face sheets or COIs) or verification of all coverage documents, please email ProfessionalLiability@uphs.upenn.edu. A PDF document(s) will be provided within 5 business days and will include the Insurance carrier, policy number, coverage dates and limits.

This email can also be provided to other institutions or credentialing centers requesting this information.

Claims Data

Claims history and loss runs are provided through the Office of General Counsel – Sandra Campbell.

Sandra Campbell, Paralegal
Office of General Counsel
University of Pennsylvania
FMC Tower, 4th Floor
2929 Walnut Street, Suite 401
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(215) 746-5294


Insurance Waivers

The University participates in various activities which may require the utilization of a waiver.

The intent of a waiver is to inform the participant of the inherent risks involved in a particular activity. When a waiver is signed, the participant acknowledges the potential risks related to the activity and releases the University from any liability associated with the activity.

The Office of Risk Management and Insurance in consultation with Department/School/Center of the proposed activity will create the waiver specific to the event/activity.

Please contact Michele Manzoni for assistance at mfiducio@upenn.edu or 215-898-0645.


Event Insurance

The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania require proof of general liability insurance to cover non-university events held in our facilities for meetings, conferences, sports camps/clinics, weddings, or other special functions or events. It is a short-term policy that covers liabilities related to your event only.

The acceptable form of insurance documentation is a Certificate of Insurance showing the following:

  • Provide a minimum limit of $2 million.
  • Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania” must be an additional name insured on the policy and listed as the Certificate Holder.
  • The certificate should be sent by mail or email:

Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
Attn: Mr. Benjamin Evans
2929 Walnut Street
4th Floor, Suite 460
Email: dofriskmgmt@pobox.upenn.edu

For any event where liquor is served by someone other than a University–preferred caterer, a Certificate of Insurance showing evidence of liquor liability coverage must also be provided.

For more information about how to purchase event insurance and obtain a quote click the link below:

  • Tenant User Liability Program (TULIP) TULIP

NOTE: Failure to comply may result in the cancellation of the event.