Penn Medicine Department of Professional Liability

The Professional Liability program provides claims made coverage for Penn Medicine employed providers within the course and scope of their Penn Medicine employment.

Insurance Carrier Information

Franklin Casualty Insurance Company
463 Mountain View Drive
Suite 301, 3rd Floor
Colchester, VT 05446

Phone: 267-414-2226
Fax: 267-414-2394

Policy Type: Claims Made

Requesting Coverage Documents

To request certificates of insurance (aka face sheets or COIs) or verification of all coverage documents, please email A PDF document(s) will be provided within 5 business days and will include the Insurance carrier, policy number, coverage dates and limits.

This email can also be provided to other institutions or credentialing centers requesting this information.

Coverage Information 

In Pennsylvania, certain health care providers including physicians, eligible unrestricted residents, and midwives are required to have professional liability coverage in the amount of $1 million per occurrence/$3 million annual aggregate. The first $500,000 is provided through Franklin Casualty; the next $500,000 is provided by a state agency known as the MCARE Fund. Restricted residents are covered under the hospital’s statutorily mandated coverage. Additional clinical providers, such as CRNPs, physical therapists and physician assistants are required to carry $1Million/$3Million in primary Franklin Casualty professional liability coverage, but are not eligible for coverage through the MCARE Fund.

In New Jersey, covered providers are afforded statutory coverage limits of $1Million/$3Million.

Mcare Fund

Excess professional liability is provided by The Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error Fund (”Mcare”) in accordance with the provisions of Pennsylvania Act 13 of 2002 (40 P.S 1303.101 et seq) and the associated regulations )31 Pa. Code 242.1 et seq.) The Mcare limits are excess of the basic professional liability limits shown.

There is no specific policy number for Mcare coverage outside of what has been provided. However, it may be helpful to know that Mcare is the state of Pennsylvania’s Medical Professional Liability Catastrophe Loss Fund in which health care providers licensed in Pennsylvania are required to participate in.

Tail Coverage

Tail coverage is included for any covered claims related to activities undertaken within the course and scope of the provider’s employment at the University of Pennsylvania Health System. Any professional liability claim arising from clinical activity within the course and scope of your employment at Penn Medicine will be covered regardless of when it is asserted at no additional cost to you.

Claims Data

Claims history and loss runs are provided through the Office of General Counsel – Sandra Campbell.

Sandra Campbell, Paralegal
Office of General Counsel
University of Pennsylvania
FMC Tower, 4th Floor
2929 Walnut Street, Suite 401
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(215) 746-5294

Professional Liability Training and Submissions:

The Origami system permits users to obtain certificates of insurance (a.k.a face sheets) for active physician providers, view provider coverage data and generate report rosters for your particular department/division or practice.

If you have a user within your department/division or practice who requires access to Origami, please complete this form and submit to us at

Professional liability coverage requests (add, changes, deletions) should be requested via the Office of Medical Affairs Medview- Penn Provider Credentialing Management System (PCMS).

If you have a user within your department/division or practice who requires access to Medview-PCMS, please contact the Office of Medical Affairs.

Additional Employee Resources:

Mcare Fund:

Office of General Counsel (OGC):

    • Via the UPHS Intranet page under Departments – Administrative – Office of General Counsel

Office of Medical Affairs (OMA):

    • Via the UPHS Intranet page under Departments – Administrative – Office of Medical Affairs

Office of Graduate Medical Education (GME):