To ensure that funds received for the clinical testing of pharmaceuticals and medical devices (“clinical trials”) are administered in accordance with University policies, sponsor requirements and federal regulations.
August 1998
revisedMay 2017
May 2024
Responsible OfficeResearch Services
Research Services
All externally funded clinical trials must be approved in accordance with Sponsored Projects Policy No. 2102, as well as by the University’s Institutional Review Board, and performed under the terms of a formal clinical trial agreement or grant which has been executed or accepted on behalf of the University by Research Services or Office of Clinical Research.
All externally funded clinical trials will be accounted for in a sponsored project fund established by Research Services.
The Principal Investigator is responsible for managing the clinical trial in accordance with the terms of the clinical trial agreement or grant and protocol, University policies, and applicable Federal laws and regulations. It is also the Principal Investigator’s responsibility to submit required reports and other appropriate information to the sponsor and to enable his or her Business Administrator to invoice the sponsor as required to ensure timely payment.
If not restricted by the terms of the clinical trial agreement, funds remaining at the end of a clinical trial, after all appropriate expenses have been charged to the clinical trial account, may be transferred to a non-sponsored project account for use by the Principal Investigator or their department or school for research and/or educational purposes only.
Principal Investigator
Office of Clinical Research
Office of Research Services
Penn Center for Innovation
The source of this document is Research Services.