To assign authority and responsibility for the accounting for sponsored projects.
December 1986
revisedMay 2024
May 2024
Responsible OfficeResearch Services
Research Services
Research Services, in consultation with the Office of the Comptroller is responsible for:
Research Services will establish unique fund values for sponsored projects, within the University’s general ledger system, as follows:
An advance account may be established prior to the actual receipt of the award when the principal investigator needs to initiate the project and, as a result, incur expense (salary or other direct cost) and is reasonably assured that the award will be made. However, the fund will only be established upon approval by the department chairperson and dean/resource center director or their designees. If the sponsor requires completion of Conflict of Interest disclosure prior to spending on an award and the disclosure is in pending status, an advance account may not be established.
In the event that an advance account has been established in advance of formal award notification, the school/center accepts financial responsibility for any non-reimbursed costs. (See Sponsored Projects Policy No. 2106, Financial Responsibility.)
Comingling of sponsored projects funds from sponsors or other sources is not allowable.
Sub-accounts may be authorized to facilitate the accounting of project related expenses with the approval of Research Services.
Principal Investigator
Business Administrator
Office of Research Services
Pre-Award Staff Member
Post-Award Desk Accountant
The source of this document is Research Services.