2118 - Negotiation of F&A and Employee Benefit Rates

Document purpose

To designate responsibility for negotiation of F&A cost and employee benefit rates with the Federal government for expenses incurred in the performance of federally sponsored agreements.


December 1986


June 2015


May 2024

Responsible Office

Research Services


Research Services

The Policy

  1. The Vice President for Finance and Treasurer or their designee has final authority over the negotiation of and is the University official responsible for signing the formal F&A cost agreement with the federal government.

  2. The Director of Cost Analysis in Research Services is responsible for:

    • initiating the negotiation process;
    • providing access to the detailed supporting documents required by the Federal negotiator; and
    • responding to the negotiator’s questions.
  3. Other University managers, as designated by the Vice President for Finance and Treasurer, may assist in the negotiation process.

The source of this document is Research Services.