2120 - Accounting for Matching Gifts

Document purpose

To ensure compliance with financial reporting and audit requirements under individual sponsored project agreements which stipulate matching gift requirements.


December 1986


May 2017


May 2024

Responsible Office

Research Services


Research Services

The Policy

  1. Gifts intended to be used as part of a sponsored project matching gift requirement must be processed through the Office the Treasurer.

  2. The Office of the Treasurer will create a temporarily restricted gift fund to record and deposit the matching gift.

  3. The Office of the Comptroller, in consultation with Research Services, will create a separate sponsored project fund for project related expenditures funded by the gift and will establish the accounting mechanism or procedure to affect the transfer of funding from the temporarily restricted current gift fund to the project fund.

Roles and Responsibilities

Principal Investigator

  • Reviews agreement and confirms use of matching gifts is appropriate;
  • Ensures costs are appropriate and proper funds are established.

Business Administrator

  • Review charges with the Principal Investigator
  • Ensure expenditures are captured correctly and transfer of funding is processed;
  • Reconciles expenditures and coordinates with ORS for reporting, if necessary.

Office of Research Services

  • Establishes the sponsored project FUND;
  • Provides guidance to departments and Principal Investigators regarding above policy;
  • Ensures compliance with terms & conditions of award;
  • Prepare financial reporting as necessary.

The source of this document is Research Services.