2144 – Effort on Sponsored Projects

Document purpose

To comply with the federal Office of Management and Budget’s Uniform Administrative Requirements (UG), C.F.R. 200 and other sponsor requirements to ensure that unallowable costs related to salary are not charged to federal awards. The UG Part 405 states that costs charged to federal awards must directly benefit the award to which they are charged. UG Part 460 further specifically states that the costs of proposal preparation should be treated as Facilities and Administrative (indirect) costs.


May, 2021


April, 2021


May 2024

Responsible Office

Research Services


Research Services


  1. For any individual serving as a Principal Investigator, whose duties include proposal writing, or who has responsibilities not directly allocable to the sponsored projects funding their salary, the maximum amount of effort attributed to or committed to sponsored projects should be limited to 95% of total effort.

  2. Exceptions may be made with written approval of the Chair if the following conditions are met:

    • The individual has no responsibilities for administrative tasks that are not directly allocable to the projects;
    • The individual will spend no time in proposal preparation.

Roles and Responsibilities

Principal Investigator

  • Ensure that effort not directly allocable to a federal award is not charged to the project.

Business Administrator

  • Assist PIs in monitoring total effort committed to, charged to and reported on sponsored projects;
  • Document approvals of exceptions to this policy.

Chair and Dean

  • Review and approve exceptions as appropriate.

Office of Research Services

  • Provide guidance to Business Administrators and PIs on the interpretation of this policy.
The source of this document is Research Services.