The purpose of this document is to set forth the University’s policies with respect to memorial gifts.
January, 2016
revisedApril, 2023
May, 2024
Responsible OfficeTreasurer
The University accepts memorial gifts from donors and through bequests and trusts. Donors are encouraged to consult with the University before making memorial gifts. Family members who suggest memorial gifts, e.g. in lieu of flowers in a loved one’s obituary, are also encouraged to contact the University.
If the University has a contact person for memorial gifts, the University will notify the contact person of contributions received, along with the names and contact information of the people who donated (unless a donor has requested anonymity.) While the University does not disclose the amounts of each donation, it will, at the contact person’s request, include a total of all donations received.
The University may receive memorial gifts for which no purposes is designated, or where the designation is to create a new endowment but the amount received is less than the minimum required by the University to establish an endowment fund. In such cases, the University will hold the amounts received in suspense with other like gifts until it has determined a proper designation for the gifts.
The Office of Gifts Accounting & Administration (“Gifts Office”) reports suspense activity monthly to all School/Center Development and Senior Business Officers for their review. Schools/Centers should notify the Gifts Office of amounts to be moved from suspense and the funds to which those amounts are to be transferred. If a new fund is to be created, the school/center should refer to Policy 2221, Pledge Management.
If a memorial fund remains in suspense 9 months from the date of the first gift to the fund, the School/Center should refer to Policy 2226, Gift Suspense Policy.
The University requires a minimum of $25,000 to establish an endowed fund. In the event solicitations for a memorial envisioned creating an endowed fund, but by the end of one year from the date of the University’s receipt of the first gift to the memorial that threshold has not been achieved, the School/Center shall confer with the Gifts Office, which may consult with the Office of General Counsel as to the appropriate use of the fund.