2277 Borrowing Artwork

Document purpose

To provide information on borrowing artwork on an intramural basis from the University’s Art Collection and guidelines for the security, tracking and maintenance of objects borrowed from the University’s Art Collection.


March, 2009


September, 2024

Responsible Office





The University does not have a major central gallery, but rather displays objects from the University’s Art Collection in various buildings throughout the campus. The Treasurer has delegated to the Office of the Curator the primary responsibility for lending and monitoring objects in the collection, subject to certain guidelines and standards of care. A department, which wishes to borrow artwork for its office, should contact the Office of the Curator, which would approve borrowing the artwork. The Business Administrator for the Department will execute the Memorandum of Understanding (Intramural) Loan Form as the “Borrower” of the Artwork. The designated art liaison for the building borrowing artwork is responsible for the Artwork, including record keeping as to the location, condition and care of the Artwork, as well as reporting theft or damage immediately to the Office of the Curator and Division of Public Safety.

The borrower is responsible for general maintenance and conservation of Artwork while in the department’s possession. The borrower will comply with the requirements noted in “University of Pennsylvania Art Collection Care of Artwork,” which is Exhibit B to the Memorandum of Understanding (Intramural) Loan Form.

Artwork should not be moved from its original location without prior written notification by the Borrower to the Office of the Curator. Having stewardship responsibility for the overall University Art Collection, the Office of the Curator will periodically request the Borrower provide confirmation of the location and condition of any borrowed Artwork.