2280 External Loans of Artwork

Document purpose

To provide guidelines for external loans of items in the University’s Art Collection.


September, 2024

Responsible Office





Institutional loans of University artwork are arranged by the Office of the Curator. There is a processing fee for the loan of artwork. A school or department considering arranging a loan MUST advise the Office of the Curator and Office of Risk Management of the terms of the loans and scheduled exhibition dates. The Office of the Curator maintains the appropriate loan documentation for external loans of University Artwork.

The Office of the Curator must approve the location in which the borrowed object will be displayed. The borrower shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with preparing the artwork for the loan — exhibiting it and returning it — including, but not limited to, costs for photography, conservation, matting, crating, framing, shipping to and from the approved location using professional art handlers, and any storage during the loan period, if necessary. If the artwork is of sufficiently high value, in the opinion of the University’s Office of the Curator, the University may require a professional appraisal at the borrower’s expense, before the work is released to borrower.

If the display of artwork is in a public space the borrower shall give appropriate credit to the University by prominent written acknowledgment that the artwork is on loan from the University of Pennsylvania Art Collection, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (acknowledgement to appear: “Courtesy of the University of Pennsylvania Art Collection, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.”).