To provide a policy overview for the purchase and payment/reimbursement of travel and entertainment on behalf of the University.
April, 2015
revisedApril, 2015
May, 2024
Responsible OfficeProcurement Services
Procurement Services
This policy applies to all affiliates (faculty, staff, students and postdocs) and non-affiliates (external parties including guests) traveling or entertaining on behalf of the University and seeking reimbursement or payment for related expenses from the University regardless of the funding source.
The University, as a charitable organization, has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure its resources are used prudently. This document establishes general policy applicable to the procurement of all travel, entertainment (T&E) and miscellaneous expenses for affiliates and non-affiliates. Expense reimbursements or payments associated with accountable plan activities for affiliates are processed in the Concur TEM system. Reimbursements or payments for travel and entertainment expenses to non-affiliates or non-accountable plan affiliate expenses are processed through the Penn Marketplace as Non-PO Payments. Non-accountable plan activities are further explained in Policy #2352.
This series of T&E policies (Policy #2351 through Policy #2370) provide detailed policies regarding travel and entertainment on behalf of the University of Pennsylvania.