To provide travel and procurement guidelines with regard to international travel on behalf of the University.
April, 2015
revisedApril, 2016
May, 2024
Responsible OfficeProcurement Services
Procurement Services
This policy applies to the procurement of international travel by and for all faculty, staff, students and postdocs traveling and entertaining on behalf of the University and seeking reimbursement for related expenses from the University regardless of the funding source.
It is the responsibility of Penn travelers to know the entry requirements of their destination and to obtain the necessary passports, visas and travel advisories in order to travel safely and prudently.
Full responsibilities of the faculty, staff, student or postdoc can be found in Policy #2352.
Approvers perform a critical control function for the University. Collectively, approvers ensure that expense reports processed for payment are complete, appropriately funded, compliant with policy, and are associated with activities that have a valid and necessary business purpose. Designated approvers should assist the employee or student as necessary with understanding applicable policies and compliance requirements.
Full responsibilities of approvers can be found in Policy #2352.
International travel includes destinations outside the United States and its possessions and territories.
The mode of air travel is expected to be the least costly option consistent with the itinerary and particular University business involved.