To establish a policy regarding payments to an employee who does not receive, through normal payroll processing, payment for time worked.
July 2019
revisedMay 2024
May 2024
Responsible OfficeComptroller
The processing of an off-cycle payment is for emergency purposes only and should only be submitted if the employee receives less than 75% of their regular pay.
Departments are required to submit the Pay Adjustment Form to request an off-cycle payment. All payment requests should be submitted to HCM Solution Center, which will forward the request to the Payroll Department for processing.
All off-cycle requests must be received by 5:00 pm EST on Thursday. This includes corresponding Workday transactions, which must be completed before an off-cycle can be processed. Payroll will review to ensure that the request meets the requirements for the off-cycle payment. If the request doesn’t meet the standards, the payment will be processed in the next scheduled payroll.
Off-cycle requests are not intended to be used as an alternative to submitting payroll. There should never be more than one off-cycle request given in a month, and an employee should never receive more than one off-cycle payment in a fiscal year.
Once approved, the Payroll Department will process the off-cycle payment request at the end of the work week. The payment information will be available in Workday under “Recent Pay Slips” the day payment is made.
Please note that all off-cycle payments made to employees will be direct deposited to either the employee’s personal bank account(s) or to an ADP pay card.