Finally Close Purchase Order

When a PO is “Finally Closed”, any remaining encumbrances are released overnight and no future invoices can be matched against it.

Before a Purchase Order can be Finally Closed, it must meet the following conditions:

  • All goods/services have been delivered.
  • All invoices have been paid to the supplier (make sure to check the “View Payments” tab on the Invoice Inquiry screen).
  • All credit memos have been applied against a payment to the supplier (make sure to check the “View Payments” tab on the Invoice Inquiry screen).
  • No additional invoices or credit memos are expected.
  • There are no PO lines where the Quantity Received is in excess of the Quantity Billed.
  • There are no PO lines where at least one accounting segment is disabled. (If a fund is frozen but not disabled, that’s OK).
  • The PO must have an Approval Status of “Approved”. If the PO’s Approval Status (aka “Order Approval”) is any of the following, the PO cannot be Finally Closed:
    • In Process
    • Incomplete
    • Pre-Approved
    • Rejected
    • Requires Reapproval

Buyers now have the ability to Finally Close Purchase Orders. Please go to Ben Helps for more information on How to Finally close your own Purchase Orders or to submit a request for Purchase Orders to be Finally closed.