To ensure that funds provided from external sources to support research and other projects are administered in accordance with University policies as well as those of the sponsor. External sources include both governmental and private organizations
December 1986
revisedMay, 2017
May 2024
Responsible OfficeResearch Services
Research Services
All externally sponsored projects for research or other purposes will be administered through Research Services, The Penn Center for Innovation, and the Office of Clinical Research in accordance with established University policies and procedures.
Any project, which meets any of the following criteria, is considered to be a “sponsored project” and will be administered accordingly:
All externally sponsored research and teaching activities that involve human subjects, laboratory animals, use of radioactive materials, or biohazard activities must be reviewed by the appropriate University committees for compliance with University policies and governmental regulations.
Agreements to support continuing medical education are to be administered by the Office of Continuing Medical Education.
Questions regarding whether a particular award is a sponsored project should be directed to the Office of Research Services.
Principal Investigator
Business Administrator
Corporate and Foundation Relations
Penn Center for Innovation
Office of Clinical Research
Office of Research Services