Financial Policies

Policies related to the financial operation of the University of Pennsylvania

2350 - Travel
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Last Reviewed May, 2024

2351 Travel and Entertainment – Overview

To provide a policy overview for the purchase and payment/reimbursement of travel and entertainment on behalf of the University.

2350 - Travel

Procurement Services

Last Reviewed May, 2024

2352 Travel and Entertainment – Procurement of Travel, Entertainment and Other Miscellaneous Goods and Services by Affiliates

The purpose of this document is to define the internal control objectives and associated responsibilities for the procurement of travel, entertainment and other miscellaneous goods and services (Reimbursable Procurement) by affiliates. Reimbursable Procurement is the purchase of goods/services, including travel and entertainment (T&E), by individuals or entities on behalf of the University using non-University fund sources (e.g., cash, personal liability credit cards, personal checks and other entity disbursements) for which reimbursement or University payment is appropriate. Payment for any services performed, awards, honorariums, refunds, etc., are not reimbursable procurement. Payments to establish funds to pay human subjects are not reimbursable procurement. See Section 2300 for policies related to this type of procurement. Affiliates are defined as employees (faculty and staff), students and postdocs. Employees and students are those individuals who are active in the University’s HR/Payroll System and Bursar System, respectively. Postdoc status must be verified through associated school records. Reimbursable Procurement by Non-Affiliates has additional control requirements, principally related to tax reporting, which are addressed in Section 2353. A Non-Affiliate is any person who is not an employee, student or postdoc (e.g., guests, consultants, independent contractors or corporations), and not on the University’s payroll or bursar system.

2350 - Travel

Procurement Services

Last Reviewed May, 2024

2353 Travel and Entertainment – Procurement of Travel, Entertainment and Other Miscellaneous Goods and Services by Non-Affiliates

The purpose of this document is to define the internal control objectives and associated responsibilities including authorization/approval controls for procurement of travel, entertainment and other miscellaneous goods and services (Reimbursable Procurement) by Non-Affiliates. Reimbursable Procurement is the purchase of goods/services, including travel and entertainment (T&E), by individuals or entities on behalf of the University using non-University fund sources (e.g., cash, personal liability credit cards, personal checks, and other entity disbursements) for which reimbursement or University payment is appropriate. Payment for any services performed, awards, honorariums, refunds, etc., are not reimbursable procurement. Payments to establish funds to pay human subjects are not reimbursable procurement. See Section 2300 for policies related to this type of procurement. A Non-Affiliate is any individual who is not a University employee (faculty and staff), student or postdoc. Non-affiliates include guests, recruits, consultants, independent contractors, or corporations, and are therefore not in the University payroll or bursar systems.

2350 - Travel

Procurement Services

Last Reviewed May, 2024

2354 Travel and Entertainment – Air Travel

To provide travel guidelines with regard to the procurement of airline tickets when traveling on behalf of the University.

2350 - Travel

Procurement Services

Last Reviewed May, 2024

2355 Travel and Entertainment – Rail Travel

To provide travel guidelines with regard to the procurement of rail tickets for when traveling on behalf of the University.

2350 - Travel

Procurement Services

Last Reviewed May, 2024

2356 Travel and Entertainment – Lodging

To provide travel guidelines with regard to the procurement of lodging and accommodations when traveling on behalf of the University.

2350 - Travel

Procurement Services

Last Reviewed May, 2024

2357 Travel and Entertainment – Rental Cars

To provide travel guidelines regarding the use of rental cars when traveling on behalf of the University.

2350 - Travel

Procurement Services

Last Reviewed May, 2024

2358 Travel and Entertainment – Personal Vehicles and Ground Transportation

To provide travel guidelines regarding the use of personal vehicles and other ground transportation providers for ground travel on behalf of the University.

2350 - Travel

Procurement Services

Last Reviewed May, 2024

2359 Travel and Entertainment – Meals and Entertainment

This policy provides guidelines with regard to the purchase and reimbursement of meals and entertainment when traveling or entertaining on behalf of the University.

2350 - Travel

Procurement Services

Last Reviewed May, 2024

2360 Travel and Entertainment – Telephone Usage

To provide guidelines with regard to telecommunication expenses incurred when traveling on behalf of the University.

2350 - Travel

Procurement Services