Policy Manual

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Last Reviewed May, 2023

2608.2 Occupational Injury or Illness : Re-Instating an Employee Returning from Workers Compensation Leave

To provide for reinstatement of Faculty and Staff to active status when returning to the workplace following an absence due to a work-related injury or illness sustained in the course of employment with the University.

2600 - Risk Management & Insurance

Risk Management & Insurance

Last Reviewed May, 2023

2608.3 Occupational Injury or Illness : Hiring a Replacement for an Employee on Workers Compensation Leave

To provide for the transfer and replacement of faculty and Staff on long-term leave from the workplace due to a work-related injury or illness sustained in the course of employment with the University.

2600 - Risk Management & Insurance

Risk Management & Insurance

Last Reviewed April, 2024

2701 Internal Control Policy

To communicate the University's objectives and to establish standards for the design and operation of the University's system of internal control. The reliability which the University can place upon its financial records is dependent upon the effectiveness of the procedures and controls which are adopted to ensure that the results of transaction processing are reflected accurately, consistently and completely in those records. Controls must ensure also that assets are not exposed to unauthorized access and use. Management has the responsibility to establish and maintain an adequate system of internal control and to furnish to the Trustees of the University, governmental agencies, University creditors and other constituencies reliable financial information on a timely basis. An adequate system of internal control is necessary for management to discharge these responsibilities.

2700 - Internal Controls


2700 - Internal Controls


2700 - Internal Controls


2700 - Internal Controls


2700 - Internal Controls


2700 - Internal Controls


Last Reviewed April, 2024

2702 Internal Audit

It is the policy of the University of Pennsylvania to support an internal audit function within the University and University of Pennsylvania Health System to provide independent, objective assurance and advisory services to management and the Board of Trustees to assist them in fulfilling their fiduciary governance and oversight responsibilities and to add value and improve operations and the internal control environment. The Office of Audit, Compliance and Privacy (OACP) has been established under the direction of the Vice President (VP) for Audit, Compliance and Privacy and reports functionally to the Trustee Committee on Audit and Compliance and the Penn Medicine Audit and Compliance Committee. The VP of OACP has full and free access to the Chair of the Board, the Board of Trustees, and the full Committees. Both University and Health System management and the Board of Trustees have approved the role of the Office of Audit, Compliance and Privacy as described in this policy and outlined in the OACP departmental charter.

2700 - Internal Controls

Audit, Compliance & Privacy

2700 - Internal Controls
