The Corporate Tax, Compliance & Payroll team is responsible for ensuring compliance with Federal, State, and Local taxes including payroll tax and those applicable to Non-Resident Aliens. The group is responsible for delivering timely and accurate compensation and information to Penn employees, and also has oversight responsibility for ensuring the University’s global activities are in compliance with domestic and tax, accounting, and financial reporting requirements. The department is also responsible for unclaimed property reporting.
For general payroll and tax support, contact the Penn Employee Solution Center at solutioncenter@upenn.edu or 215-898-7372.
Important Updates
Guidance on Employee Gifts and Awards
This document provides specific guidelines regarding the value and type of gifts or awards to employees and whether or not they are subject to payroll taxes.
Workday Return to Campus and Guide to Changes to Work Location
As the University transitions back to on-campus work, HR analysts should follow the steps outlined in the new Workday Return to Campus and Guide to Changes to Work Location to update individuals’ work addresses. The guide also provides instructions for individuals to update their tax forms to ensure the proper taxes are withheld from their pay.
Corporate Tax, Compliance, and Payroll Team
MaryAnn Piccolo
Executive Associate Comptroller
Beth Knaul
Joe Gibbs
Corporate Tax Director
LaChantee Quackenbush
UPHS Tax Manager
Cara Salsberg
Associate Director, Payroll
Hillary Stein
Payroll Analyst
Victor Adams
Director - Compliance, Payroll and Payroll Tax
Maureen Abbott
Payroll Analyst
Olivia Astor
Tax Analyst
Chris Davis
Payroll Analyst
Belinda Jacobs
Payroll Analyst
Christina Clemens
Payroll Analyst
Kate Carangi
Tax Analyst
Leslie Fowlkes
Tax Analyst
3451 Walnut Street, Room 310
Philadelphia, PA 19104