Trust Administration’s role is to provide accounting and expert customer service support to all of Penn’s schools and centers regarding the management of their restricted endowment funds (40XXXX, 46XXXX), restricted operating term gift funds (60XXXX, 62XXXX), unrestricted operating gift funds (63XXXX), and capital project gift funds (65XXXX).
Trust Administration is also responsible for the accounting and administrative functions related to the University’s non-trusteed external perpetual trusts (48XXXX) and charitable remainder trusts (49XXXX), along with the University’s gift planning contracts where the University serves as trustee. An important role Trust Administration plays is to ensure that endowment income and gift revenue from restricted donor gifts adheres to donor intent and applicable laws. TA also preserves all original donor documentation related to the University’s restricted endowment and gift funds.
Questions regarding donor intent/use of endowment and gift fund assets should be directed to a Trust Administration staff member who will provide a detailed explanation.
FMC Tower
2929 Walnut Street
Suite 300
Philadelphia, PA 19104-5099